Contact Us
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Camping Etang du Camp
5821 Route de Saint Cyprien
12320 Senergues
Aveyron, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 65 46 01 95
Latitude : 44,55860579 Longitude: 2,46355179
Attention les camping-caristes et caravanistes
Nous déconseillons de suivre le GPS pour venir chez nous, car il favourise les petites routes.
Directions from Rodez:
Take the D901 towards Conques.
In Saint Cyprien turn right onto D502, signposted for
Sénergues. Continue 6km up the hill on the D46.
Take second left at top of hill signposted for Sénergues and L'Etang du Camp.
After about 300m you will see the campsite on your right.
You have arrived !
Note: Camping Etang du Camp in on the D242, 6km south of Sénergues.